So living in New England, with the weather changing every other day, it just cannot wait for the Spring to come to have sunlight and decide whether or not I need to wear layers! After reading this blog by Kim Preloving- Spring/Summer 2011 Fashion, I decided to do the same thing!
Here is what I decided to do, Kim is in the search for second-hand clothes to create her own wardrobe by searching clothes in ebay and other second-hand clothing stores. Personally, I find this to be such a great, unique and creative idea. Also, it's a step towards being green. Here you will be recycling, in other words, clothes that someone else doesn't want! I recommend everyone to look into this trend of second-hand fashion/ recyclable fashion! You can also create handbags and many other cool things! you just need your imagination and drive to create it!
Here are some pictures I found about this topic. I hope they give you some inspiration!